Travelling to Ghent by line bus is also possible. International line buses travel to Ghent every day from a lot of different destinations in Europe. National line bus connections are also available. Once you arrive in Ghent, you can use the local bus and tram network to go from one place to another within the city.

International line buses

These companies offer bus connections to over 500 destinations in Europe on a daily basis. Ghent is one of those destinations. You can book your trip on their website.

Bus and tram in Ghent

With a widespread network of trams and buses, you can easily travel in and around Ghent.

Every first Sunday of the month there is Sunday shopping. Many shops in the centre of Ghent are open from noon. On these shopping Sundays you can take the tram and bus of De Lijn for free. If you have a CityCard Ghent, you can take the tram and bus for free for 2 or 3 days.

Route planner De Lijn

Looking for the easiest route by public transport in Ghent? Consult this handy route planner to plan your trip in the city.

Consult the route planner