The exhibition “Open Hart” (Open Heart) presents all works created by storyteller Wim Opbrouck over the last thirty years. You'll see a collection of drawings and sketches as well as notebooks filled with figments of the artist's imagination, which will give an insight into the artist’s world.

Opbrouck’s drawings are visual anchors leading to profound outpourings, but you also immediately realise they will remain closed forever. In his world, there is room for fascination, joy and the struggles of an everyday draughtsman. Imagination has free rein. When you draw, your imagination knows no limits. Some works on paper seem unfinished or a preliminary study, which, according to Opbrouck, is the strength of these works. The exhibition immerses you in the abundance and freedom of his drawings.

Online ticketing Muse­um Dr. Guis­lain

Prefer not to wait in line at the ticket booth? Want to be sure you can discover the Muse­um Dr. Guis­lain when you want to? Then book your tickets online in advance and enjoy your visit to the fullest.

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