During the 2023 Easter holidays, youngsters Miel Vandenberghe, Luna D’Angelo and Elise Van Hummelen visited the Dr. Guislain Museum, under the guidance of Maria Luiza Grymonprez and Inke Gieghase. They created their own safe space where they could tell their story and bring their work to life.

This exhibition allows visitors to enter the safe(r) space of these youngsters. Starting from their sexuality and gender experience, they want to tell a story that stays true to who they are. The family tour shows people of all ages how important it is to be able to be yourself.

Online ticketing Muse­um Dr. Guis­lain

Prefer not to wait in line at the ticket booth? Want to be sure you can discover the Muse­um Dr. Guis­lain when you want to? Then book your tickets online in advance and enjoy your visit to the fullest.

Book your tickets here!
Online ticketing Muse­um Dr. Guis­lain
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