The Booktower, also called Ghent’s fourth tower, is a modernistic masterpiece by Belgian architect Henry van de Velde. It serves as the link between the historic city centre and the art district with its museums.

The 64 metre high concrete building has 24 floors. It was designed as a university library and is still used for that purpose today. The building houses over three million works, including books, magazines, manuscripts, architectural plans, maps and posters. 

A dog is perched on top of the Booktower. This bronze fox terrier is a work by Greta van Puyenbroeck based on an idea of Ghent photographer Michiel Hendryckx. The purpose of the sculpture is to put the lofty character of the monumental Booktower into perspective. What’s at the pinnacle of science, wisdom and knowledge? A dog. 

The Belvedere offers a panoramic view of the city. 

The Booktower can be visited online or with a guide. 

Guided visit to the Booktower

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Guided visit to the Booktower
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