That the people of Ghent are entrepreneurial is evident from the long list of local products being made and/or sold in and around the city. From world famous spicy mustard to deliciously sweet cone-shaped confectionary: Ghent’s production machine is in full swing. Some names have been around for decades, others are still at an early stage.
Point of Interest
Bij Filip
Eating frites at the Great Butchers’ Hall -
De Frietketel
A wide range for vegetarians and vegans -
De Gouden Saté
Eating frites into the wee hours -
De Papegaai
Beef stew sauce at its best -
Alternative information point with tips from locals -
This brewery produces herb beer -
Koffies De Draak
Coffee roasting house and shop in Ghent -
Get your hands on tasty local produce! -
The Brewery
A historic beer walk in Ghent -
Tierenteyn mustard
The place to be for authentic mustard! -
Tilly’s Gentse Vlaai
Flan according to an old family recipe